meet yr friend title

As we travel through the long years at the University, when we are aquiring knowledge we also have friends.... friends who are a part of our life. Friends, with whom we have spent the best part of our life. The life we long for even today.....

Today as most have gone out, here and there, all around the world on account of jobs... or whatever the reason may be, old friends always stay in memory..... you feel like writing to him/her but you do not know where to find him/her.... Well, If you have passed out from the "Goa University - Department of Computer Science and Technology ", then your friend may be just a couple of clicks away...

Select the year of Passing and click on GO... and you may find your friend if he has already registered with me...

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meet yr friend title

GUMCA 1990
GUMCA 1996
GUMCA 1997
GUMCA 1998
GUMCA 1999